torsdag 5 februari 2009

Shoe throwing attack in Stockholm

Indeed the Swedish autonomous left is at it again with their Islamist neo-buddies. This time the Israeli ambassador was at the receiving end of what apparently was a planned attack. The attacks on supporters of Israel in particular and on people dissenting with the radical left in general are part of a disturbing trend in Sweden and the rest of Europe. When Islamists murder or attack people, the established news media in Sweden stay silent, even when the attacks take place at home. The political left also does not protest the violence of their autonomous friends, on the contrary they defend it as excusable excesses. The established radical left in Sweden is in a symbiotic relationship with these perpetrators of political violence, just as the basque terrorists of ETA were in cahoots with Herri Batasuna, and IRA was in cahoots with Sinn Fein. This relationship is not exposed because a majority of Swedish journalists belong to the radical left.


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